Which is the best vanoss character in monster legends
Which is the best vanoss character in monster legends

(Teddie for 60 Earth dmg + Self 30% Shield, 56s, 2 CD) / (Scary for 40 Earth dmg, 22s, 0 CD)

  • Call Me Mister Teddie / This Is Not Scary.
  • Time to Eat Tacos / Five Nights Surviving (Tacos for Self NER + 50% Heal, 46s, 2 CD) / (Five for Self Damage Protection + 30% Heal, 26s, 2 CD).
  • Bullet Rain! / No Mames Wey! (Bullet for AoE 45 Earth dmg + Team 20 Earth dmg, 53s, 3 CD) / (Mames for AoE 35 Earth dmg + Daze, 39s, 1 CD).
  • All skills deal Earth damage, meaning he's weak against his own element.
  • Due to the lack of Tortures, he relies on raw damage.
  • Good sustaining skills, including Team Shields, Damage Protection, Self-NER and Heals.
  • Overall, while he may have a decent enough damage output, he lacks of any offensive effect or any powerful gimmick to make him climb the rankings, so you would get more from using him to give Damage Protection to all his allies rather than attacking. His relics further his Self Sustaining capabilities. Furthermore, one of his attacks damages his own team, and his Tough trait is his only protection against status effects.

    which is the best vanoss character in monster legends

    However, his Power and damage output leaves something to be desired, and he has no Tortures or damage-boosting skills, meaning he has to rely on raw damage. He has several good sustaining effects in NER, healing, Damage Protection, and Shields, and his Life and relics help him sustain quite well.

    Which is the best vanoss character in monster legends